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The SIMPLE (Screening for InflaMmatory Pain in the LowEr) Back Questionnaire

Thank you for filling in this questionnaire. It asks questions about the back, buttock, and/or hip pain that you have experienced.

Please enter your birthday (month and year):
1. Have you had any discomfort in your back, buttocks, or hips in the last three months?

If no, have you ever had pain in your back, buttocks, or hips that lasted for at least 3 months?

If you have had back, buttock, or hip pain that lasted for at least 3 months (the last 3 months or in the past), please indicate when you first experienced these symptoms.

2. Do you experience stiffness in your back and/or hips?

If yes, when is this MOST noticeable? Please tick only ONE option:

3. If you are stiff when you get out of bed, how long does it USUALLY take from when you get out of bed until your back and/or hips are moving as well as they are going to move all day? Please tick the closest time.

4. Have you been woken up by back and/or hip pain during sleep in the last few months? Please tick only ONE option.

If this happens at least sometimes, when does it USUALLY wake you up? Please tick only one option.

5. At what time of day are your back and/or hip symptoms USUALLY the worst? Please tick only ONE option:

6. Have you ever had painful and swollen joints?

If yes, what joints?
7. What effect does exercise have on your back and/or hip pain or stiffness? Please tick only ONE option.

8. What effect does lying down and taking a rest have on your back and/or hip pain or stiffness? Please tick only ONE option.

9. Do Anti-inflammatory drugs ( eg. Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Arthrotec, Celebrex, Naproxen, Diclofenac) USUALLY ease your back and/or hip pain and stiffness?

10. Do you suffer from any of the following:
A. Daily Headaches
B. Chronic fatigue
C. Irritable bowel syndrome
D. Daily jaw pain